Our school is committed to excellence in education for all students.
The school’s culture is characterised by the provision of individualised curriculum and high levels of educational support, achieved through the establishing of close professional working relationships with students and home tutors.
At the Cairns School of Distance Education, we are committed to providing high quality teaching and learning to home based learners and their home tutors. Our school is proud of its willingness to integrate ICTs to support the distance education curriculum.
- Cairns SDE Vision Statement TBA
This varies from week to week. Enrolments tend to be a mixture of short and long term, with most remote students staying for 6 to 8 years. There is a transient percentage, particularly in the middle and senior years of schooling.
We offer educational programs for prep to year 12 students. These students reside over a 300 000 square kilometre area of Far North Queensland (Cape York). We also accept overseas, travelling, medical and school based enrolments.
School management
The school management structure comprises the Principal, two Deputy Principals and ten Heads of Curriculum. Specialist staff includes a music teacher, Parent Liaison Officer (PLO), language teachers and learning support teachers.
The school community is characterised by a very broad range of socio-economic backgrounds, lifestyles and levels of student educational need. A strong feature of the school is the high level of parental input and interest in school activities. The P&C is an active organisation that contributes to the effective functioning of the school.