Student Resource Scheme (SRS) Information
Cairns SDE operates a student resource scheme (SRS) across all year levels.
The purpose of the SRS is to provide the parent/carer with a cost effective alternative to purchasing the prescribed textbooks and/or resources. Students whose parents have elected to join the SRS are provided with text books and other resources throughout the year.
From 2025 year 7 to 12 textbooks will be available through Campion, an online digital resource bank. Hardcopy resources are mailed out to students the term before they are required.
The SRS is fully supported and approved by the school's Parents and Citizens Association. All hard copy books must be returned in a similar condition to that in which they were issued. Any book not returned or damaged is to be paid for.
if you have not already done so, you will need to complete the 2025 Student resource scheme form to indicate if you wish to participate in the scheme or not.
Please review the 2025 Annual Parent Information Letter for the respective year level which outlines the inclusions for a student participating in the scheme.
If your student is eligible, we will claim the Text Resource Allowance and offset this against the costs of the scheme.
Opting out of the student resource scheme
If you choose to opt out of the SRS, you will need to purchase your child's materials independently and provide these for the child to bring to school.
The SRS is voluntary and families are able to opt-out if they wish. However, please be aware that books, materials, consumables and program memberships required under this scheme are not funded by school grants. Therefore, if you do not wish to join the scheme you are still responsible for providing your child with the items that would otherwise have been provided by the scheme to enable your child to engage with the curriculum.
To opt-out of the SRS, therefore deciding to purchase the required resources themselves, parents will need to complete the 2025 Student resource scheme form, indicating that they do not wish to participate and return this to the sector Enrolments Officer.
Please refer to the Buy Your Own Resource Lists for a full list of what you will be required to purchase prior to your student commencing, to enable them to engage with the curriculum.
If your student is eligible, we will claim the Test Resource Allowance and refund this payment to you to assist with your purchase costs.
Additional Resources required to be purchased
We have year level specific additional Resource Lists for parents to purchase consumable items and workbooks to assist their child with their learning.
Parents can identify items they don't already have at home and purchase them from any store convenient to them.
Parents can also purchase these items from our resource provider: Campion (see our information page on Campion for directions).
Campion has advised that for resources to be delivered on time that purchases are made before December 20 2024.
Security Deposit
A security deposit of $300 is charged on enrolment. This is held by the school to cover the issue and return of green mailing satchels, and other school-owned resources including library books, textbooks, learning materials, etc. The security deposit may be refunded when the student exits the Cairns SDE if all borrowed items are returned in good condition.
Payment Methods
SRS payments can be made by QParent/BPOINT, BPAY, EFTPOS (Credit/Debit Card), Cheque, Cash, Centrepay.
- Payment may be made through the QParents portal using a credit card. Payment will be directed from the QParents portal to BPOINT where relevant outstanding invoice information may be selected.
- When paying by BPOINT, please use the Customer Reference Number (CRN) and invoice number printed on the invoice received from the school. If unsure of the CRN, please contact the school.
- Centrepay Deductions are available to pay the SRS fees. Use Centrepay to make regular deductions from your Centrelink payment. Centrepay is a voluntary and easy payment option available to Centrelink customers. Go to for more information on how to set up your Centrepay deductions.
Financial Hardship
Parents experiencing financial hardship who are currently participating, or wish to participate in the SRS should contact the school to discuss available options. Several payment options are available such as paying in instalments and part or full fee waivers depending on the circumstances. All discussions will be held in the strictest confidence. Please email