Attendance and Engagement
Purpose: Engagement is a prerequisite to success at Cairns SDE. It is defined within the following three areas:·
- Relationships
- Participation
- Assessment
What is the compulsory school age?
Compulsory school age in Queensland means the child is at least 6.5 years of age and less than 16 years of age, or has completed Year 10, whichever happens first.
What is the compulsory participation phase?
The compulsory participation phase starts when a young person stops being of compulsory school age and ends when the person
- gains a senior certificate, certificate III or certificate IV; or
- has participated in an eligible option for two years after compulsory school age; or
- turns 17 years.
Queensland children who are in the compulsory participation phase must be
- enrolled at and attend a school or
- engaged full-time in an eligible option, or
- be registered for home education or working full time.
Attendance at CSDE is Measured by Work Return
Attendance is measured by return of work as per the Work Rate Calendar (WRC). Students are identified as not having submitted work returns as per the WRC, through:
- OneSchool Behaviour Incident records
- Student Support Services meetings
Connection before curriculum
Connect Teacher (CT) conducts initial teleconference meeting / OLC Face to Face (F2F) meeting with student and parent/carer within one week of student being made 'Active' in OneSchool (OS).

CT also sends a welcome email to student, parent and home tutor. All records of contact are entered on OneSchool.
Note: School-based students – subject teacher makes initial phone and email contact for orientation to student/class and school-based supervisor.
In week one, Semester One, there is a focus on individual phone contact for Connect Teachers and Subject Teachers (Orientation Week)
- Work Rate Calendar (WRC) begins week one, Term One
- Orientation Week live program
- For Prep – Year 10: Timetabled OS live lessons begin Term 1 Week 2
- For Years 11 and 12: Timetabled OS live lessons begin on Term 1 Week 1, Day 2.
2024 Weekly assemblies are timetabled in OS timetable and accessed via QLearn – Student Space:
– 3
| Friday
at 8:30am
| Friday at 8:30am
| Tuesday at 9:30am
| Tuesday at 9:30am |
Note: during the year, some year levels may be split to accommodate for year level specific programming.
Regular contact
The Connect Teacher makes a minimum 2 contacts per term with the first occurring in Week 1 of each term. This contact is via phone/MS Teams to each student in their Connect class and the Connect Teacher enters a record of contact in OS.
Students who are identified at Tier 2 for Student Support are contacted on a fortnightly basis by the Connect teacher.
Students who are identified at Tier 3 for Student Support are contacted by the Connect Teacher on a fortnightly or weekly basis as determined by the Case Manager.

Students are provided with a OneSchool (OS) timetable which identifies the lessons students are required to attend. Students access these lessons through QLearn/Canvas. Subject teachers provide a Work Rate Calendar which can also be accessed in the QLearn calendar and within each subject's course materials.
Whilst attendance at live lessons are not compulsory, students must access recordings in a timely manner (recommend no more than a week from the live lesson) to ensure they are able to complete the required work by the set due dates.
Excursions and community engagement events
All excursions and community engagement events are recorded via the OneSchool Excursion Planner. Rolls are generated within the OS Excursion Planner and a hard copy of the roll is stored in the excursion/event folder.
The event manager and supervising teachers mark the rolls daily at school excursions/events and return the excursion/event folder to the school administration office at the conclusion of the event.
Attendance is measured by formative work and summative assessment tasks returned as per the Work Rate Calendar (WRC).