Payment options
Cairns School of Distance Education accepts payments made by: BPOINT; Cash; Cheque/Money Order; or EFTPOS. Payments can also be made over the phone (BPOINT IVR) with a credit card.
Payment by BPOINT
- BPOINT can be accessed via the web or by clicking on the link on the bottom of the electronic invoice.
- Please use your Customer Reference Number (CRN) which can be found on the tax invoice.
- To ensure your payment is correctly allocated, enter the Invoice Number you are paying from the tax invoice.
Payment by Phone: BPOINT IVR (Interactive Voice Response)
Payment by Credit and Debit Card
- Call 1300 631 073
- Enter your Customer Reference Number, Invoice number, Amount and Card Details.
Payment in person
- Payment can be made at the School Administration Building: Monday to Friday 8.00am - 3.30pm.
- EFTPOS facilities available.
Payment by Direct Deposit
If making a deposit to the school account:
BSB#: 064-804
Acc#: 00093597
Please use your invoice number as the reference to assist us to identify your payment for receipting.
Payment by mail
Cheque and money orders made payable to Cairns School of Distance Education and returned with payment.
Post to:
Cairns School of Distance Education
PO Box 7092
Payment plans
- Payment Plans may be negotiated (conditions apply) with Cairns SDE's Student Management Team.
- The agreement must be in writing and signed by both parties.
- All payments plans must be approved by the Principal.
- If approved, payment plans can be created as a direct debit through BPOINT or through Centrepay for eligible parents. Go to External link for more information on how to set up your Centrepay deductions.
Who to contact?
Please contact the Student Accounts Officer